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Writer's pictureTrey Martin PT, DPT

4 Tips for ACL Rehabilitation

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

By: Dr. Trey Martin PT, DPT

Let's talk ACL rehab!

Recovering from ACL surgery and returning to peak physical performance is no easy feat. ACL rehab is an arduous physical and mental process. Here are 4 keys to optimal ACL recovery.

1) 1. Regaining Quadricep Strength

Quadriceps strength is crucial to rehabbing ACL surgery. The gold standard to test quadricep strength is through an Isokinetic machine like Biodex. Hand Held Dynamometer can work as an alternative. With this testing as the standard, surgical protocols aim for 80-90% strength of the surgical side quads compared to the non-surgical side. This is unacceptable. You've just spent 6-9 months doing much less physical activity than before. It is likely that your non-surgical side is weaker too, making it a poor standard to compare to. Also, why not shoot for the moon strength wise? Having excessively strong quadriceps will lower your re-injury likelihood. Don't do the minimum. Make those quads strong!

2) Regain full knee extension

Knee extension (being able to fully straighten your leg) is arguably the most important factor in successful ACL recovery. Not regaining full knee extension will lead to a higher likelihood of re-tear, chronic osteoarthritis, and persistent pain. Need a quick strategy to regain knee extension? Check out this post that uses a low-load, long-duration technique.

3) Don't rush the rehab process

A 2011 Study of competitive athletes found only 33% had returned to their previous levels of sport within 12 months. People say, "But Adrian Peterson did it in 4 months and set the rushing record." Adrian Peterson also has access to 2x/day rehab, superhuman genetics, and can do things physically that 99.9% of us can only dream of. Don't compare your rehab to anyone else. Derrick Rose is an incredible athlete like Peterson, and his rehab took two years+he still isn't the same MVP level player. ACL rehab is a 24 month process for optimal results and results vary wildly. Go at your pace, return when you are ready.

4) Mental readiness to return to sports

ACL rehab is a traumatic experience. Athletes need to be mentally prepared to return to sports. This is equally important to physical readiness. Athletes need to be exposed to game like conditions. This can help them feel confident in their return to the game. Even one step further than this... normalize that it is okay to be nervous! If you are a parent, coach, or rehab professional, don't judge the athlete if they are afraid of returning to the field! It's crucial to progress steadily, highlight strengths, and insure the athlete is 110% confident with their return.

ACL rehab is a marathon not a sprint. Progress at your own speed, do the work, and return when you are ready.

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